Dem Rep. Auchincloss on the Southern Border: ‘We’re Not Going to Boil the Ocean Here, You Can’t Solve the Entirety of Such a Complex Challenge’

‘Democrats are negotiating in good faith’


AUCHINCLOSS: “We should absolutely make changes to border security policy. I’ve been saying so for months. And I know that Senate Democrats and House Democrats, including as well as the president, agree. And the president has said he wants to be directly involved in these border security negotiations. Now, we’re not going to boil the ocean here. You can’t solve the entirety of such a complex challenge as immigration, which requires documentation and dignity for DREAMers, it requires better partnerships with countries of origin, requires keying in on the drug and human trafficking elements of these Mexican cartels. You can’t solve all of that in these weeklong negotiations, but absolutely changes to asylum policy and other tightly-scoped improvements to security to stem the migrant crisis are appropriate and Democrats are negotiating in good faith. The question is, are Republicans willing to take yes for an answer?”

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