Christie: I Wish Obama Would Channel that Emotion into Fighting Crime in the Big Cities

‘The murder rate in Chicago is up 18 percent’

DOOCY: “Let’s talk a little bit about what this president did yesterday, governor, from the East Room of the White House. He tightened federal gun control laws. Going forward anybody selling guns, whether online or at gun shows, is going to need to be licensed, and conduct background checks. Until now, it’s been federal — some other things as well. But what’s getting the attention is the fact that the president of the United States teared up a couple of times during this presentation. We’re going to play a little sound of that, and then your reaction.”
[clip starts]
OBAMA: “From every family who never imagined that their loved one would be taken from our lives by a bullet from a gun. Every time I think about those kids it gets me mad. And by the way, it happens on the streets of Chicago every day.  (Applause.) 
[clip ends]
DOOCY: “There’s some of the tears from the president yesterday. Governor Christie, your reaction to what the president is calling for?”
CHRISTIE: “Well, listen, I wish that the president would channel some of that emotion and that effort into fighting crime on the streets. He put a throwaway line there in the end that this happens on the streets of Chicago every day. It’s a first time I heard him mention that. You know, what he mentions all the time are the head line grabbing things. But, the murder rate in Chicago is up 18 percent. The murder rate in New York is up 11 percent. And this is because this president and his attorney general do not support law enforcement. The FBI director himself said that there’s a chill wind blowing through law enforcement in this country and the president is contributing to that chill wind mightily. If we really wants to reduce violence in this country we need to start [indecipherable] aggressively those folks who are felons who are in possession of a hand gun, and who are using those handguns in the commission of crimes. If the president would unleash the forces of the federal law enforcement system to work together with local law enforcement, we’d reduce violence all across this country. He doesn’t understand that. I’m a former federal prosecutor, I did it in New Jersey when I was a prosecutor. And that will make sure that I lead the fight as president with a strong attorney general to lower gun violence in this country, but not through passing laws and regulations on law abiding citizens, but by going after criminals on the street.”

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