Trump: ‘We Don’t Need 4 More Years of Obama and that’s What You’re Getting with Hillary’

‘I believe it might be even worse if you want to know the truth’

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TRUMP: “Look at all the cameras here tonight and all live television. You’re all on live, wave. Hi, folks. (Cheering) And I wish, you know, I always do this. I always do it but I wish they’d turn the cameras and show the audience. But they tend not to do it. They tend not to do it. They don’t like to do that. We won’t do it too much, you know. But I said  — oh, wow — (Cheering) — they’re doing it. Wow! They are doing it! Wow!
Folks, we have a revolution going on. People are tired and they are sick of the stupidity that we’re seeing coming out of Washington. They are sick and tired of it.
Look at last week — you saw what they passed, right, the budget. I didn’t even know it went so fast, it went so quickly and you look at it. They want to fund ObamaCare, fund Planned Parenthood, fund global warming, fund the Syrian refugee program where they are going to pour into the country. (Booing) They got everything. I’m saying where are the Republican, where are the leadership? There’s no leadership. 
Everything that you don’t want is in that budget. And I say where was Paul Ryan? Where are all these people that are supposed to be representing our interest? Where were they? Where are they? Where are they? Nobody is representing our interest.
We had a case where we had 4500 people in New Hampshire and fairly close down the way was Jeb Bush where he had 104. (Laughter) No, it’s true. But they had the advantage because they all fell asleep they got a good night’s sleep, my people. 
We don’t need four more years of Obama and that’s what you’re getting with Hillary. That’s what you’re getting. No that’s what you’re getting. And I believe it might be even worse if you want to know the truth. It might be worse.”
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