Curbelo on the Biden-Trump Polls: At the End of the Day, These Are Both Two Very Unpopular Candidates

‘Most Americans would rather see neither of these two men running for president’

CURBELO: "Well, rev, I think we have to put all of this into perspective. Yes, Donald Trump has passed Joe Biden in a lot of polls, including the last NBC News poll. But at the end of the day, these are both two very unpopular candidates. The president, most Americans would rather see neither of these two men running for president. Now, having said that, President Biden seems to be in a trap. He’s trying to appease both his base and the political center. We have seen it in this, Israel-Hamas conflict, where the presidents — I happen to agree with to fully back our ally, Israel, against a terrorist organization. He laid that out, but he’s also tried to appease those who are, understandably, worried about innocent people who are in the way of this war on an issue like immigration, which is more of a domestic issue,. The president, on the one hand, is trying to appease immigration activists as, political base. And on the other hand, he’s trying to show more strength at the border and typing border policies. President Biden needs to start running to the center if you wants to get his poll numbers up. He is the general election candidate for Democrats. He does not have a serious primary challenger. Donald Trump, on the other hand, rev, the reason he’s in South Carolina is because Donald Trump’s a little worried about Nikki Haley. She’s been growing in the polls and he has to face her one on one in some of these early primary states, she could give him a run for his money."

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