Bill Weir: The Trendline Is Unmistakable that the Planet Is Overheating


WEIR: "Well, on Friday, guys, we hit a level that many scientists have been warning about, didn’t think we’d see this soon. Two degrees, exactly 2.06 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, that is a threshold. Of course, Paris accords trying to keep us at 1.5. But beyond 2 degrees is when we have so many warnings about tipping points, about methane bombs in the Arctic and ice sheet collapses. But there we are. See that red line at the top? All that spaghetti below it are decades, averages going back to the 1940s, the blue lines, and then up through the ’60s and ’70s. But this year, the last 12 months, hottest in the last 125,000 years at least. We’ve shattered every record imaginable in 2023, and here we are. Now, this doesn’t mean we’ll stay there, obviously, but what is really interesting about this, this is not one-day record or even one-week. This is an average over decades there, so the trendline is unmistakable that the planet is overheating."

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