Bill Weir: ‘Onshore Wind and Solar Plus Battery Storage’ Are the Two Cheapest Forms of Energy ‘Humanity Ever Has Seen’

‘We will blow past not just 2 degrees but could hit 2.9 degrees Celsius warming’


WEIR: "It's both. You know, we’re about to have our — we're almost 30 COPs in and emissions are still going up. It went up over 1% last year. For most of human history, fuels that burn were the cheapest option. That's what built the modern world. But right now, the two cheapest forms of energy humanity ever has seen is onshore wind and solar, plus battery storage. So the technology is there, but the Saudi Aramcos of the world, the ExxonMobils of the world showing no inclination of winding down their business model, so the U.N. looked at just what’s in the books, just what's planned to be exploited in coming years and says we will blow past not just 2 degrees but could hit 2.9 degrees Celsius warming. That is over five degrees Fahrenheit, and that means much of the planet would be unlivable. Bill, Alex?"

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