Biden Announces He’s Going to Spend Another $100 Billion Atoning for U.S. Carbon Emissions

‘We contributed a lot here in the United States over the last 300 years’

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BIDEN: “But we can’t stop here, we have so much more work to do. You all know, as well as I do, the impacts of climate change are being felt most by those who have contributed the least to the problem. Let me say that again. You know the impacts of climate change are being felt the most by those countries that contributed the least to the problem, including developing countries. We contributed a lot here in the United States over the last 300 years. That’s why I’m working with our Congress to dramatically increase international climate financing. And this year, the world is on track to meet the climate finance pledge that we made under the Paris Agreement of $100 billion collectively. I’ve also asked Congress for another $25 billion to strengthen the role of the multilateral development banks in fighting the climate crisis, as well as — as well as — starting with the World Bank, because climate security, energy security and food security, they’re all related, as all of you know, I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know.”

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