Trump: ‘Radical Islam May Be on a Collision Course with Us’

‘It is a very, very deep seeded hatred that’s going on’

DICKERSON: "Let me ask you about video being put out by ISIS group, Donald J. Trump calling for total and complete shut down. Of Muslims entering the united States."
[clip starts]
TRUMP: "Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on."
[clip ends]
DICKERSON: "Then video goes on says, the west will eventually turn against its Muslim citizens. They are saying to Muslims, either you join jihad or leave the United States because of what Mr. Trump is proposing."
TRUMP: "Look, here is the problem. I bring it up, other people have called me they say, you have guts to bring it up because frankly it’s true. But nobody wants to get involved. Now people are getting involved. People that are on different persuasions than me right now, John, are saying, you know, maybe trump isn’t wrong. We want to examine it. There’s a lot of bad stuff going on. I’m watching the news tonight, actually, CBS, and so many of the elements, you look at Germany, you look at Brussels, you look all over the world, shutting down cities that never had a problem before. They’re shutting down countries that never had a problem before. You look at Paris, what happened. You look at California, what happened. Maybe it’s not politically correct, it’s a big problem now we have to sell off the problem idea you’re being used in essentially recruitment video by terrorist organization?"
DICKERSON: "They use other people, too, what am I going to do. I have to say what I have to say. You know what I have to say, there’s a problem. We have to find out what is the problem and solve that problem." 
DICKERSON: "Do you think the problem is that — that the west is on a collision course with radical Islam or is this just ISIS is the problem?"
TRUMP: "I think radical Islam may be on a collision course with us. You could cake it around a little bit. But it is a very, very deep seeded hatred that’s going on. You have a hatred like people willing to give their lives, I have to tell you, it is so big, it is the biggest thing there is right now, when I watch President Obama, our biggest problem. It’s just — he doesn’t want to use the words radical Islam. Anything having to do with radical and Islam. So until he’s willing to admit, how can you not at least talk about the problem. One of the things I’ve done I brought the problem up. The world is talking about what I’ve said. Now big parts of the world are saying, trump is really right at least identifying what’s going on. If you’re not going to solve the problem unless you identify it."

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