Jeb: Trump Is a ‘Creature of Barack Obama’; Voter Passion for Him Will Pass

‘The point is that we’re living in this reality-TV kind of political environment, where he fills the space by saying outrageous things’

BUSH: "In a month from now they won’t. That’s the point. The point is that we’re living in this reality-TV kind of political environment, where he fills the space by saying outrageous things. People, based on their emotions, will express support for the sentiment, not necessarily the specifics, because there are none, and then he’ll backtrack. And he’ll move on to the next thing, and he fills the space….I think the emotion of the here and now will subside. Are people scared about the national security interests of our country being violated because of a lax immigration system or a visa waiver program that wasn’t designed for people being radicalized? Yes, they’re scared, and the job of a president — or a candidate, for that matter — isn’t to scare them more; it’s to give them solutions, and that’s what I’m trying to do.”

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