Levin: Biden Destroyed the Country in Two and a Half Years

‘His foreign policy is the greatest disaster of any president in American history’


LEVIN: "In the last two and half years, when you consider all the decades before it, the two centuries before it, of how one generation after another came together to build up this country, to build it up economically, to secure it, to create prosperity and a vast middle class, to build up the biggest and strongest and most muscular military on the face of the earth -- not because we are colonialists, not because we are imperialists, but because we are a nation that believes in peace, a people that believes in peace. As Reagan says and Trump says, peace through strength. We have sent men to all kinds of wars. All kinds of wars. World War II comes to mind, who fought for our freedom and our liberty, put everything on the line. And it can all be destroyed in two and half years, all of it. Our massive economy, our technology, economic growth, our secure border, our military, law and order, the civil society, all being destroyed. And I am supposed to sit here tonight and congratulate Joe Biden for his great leadership while he and his Obama ideologues have unleashed on our country every disastrous policy one can imagine to fundamentally transform it. Into what? Into a bankrupt week nation that's lost its spirit.”

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