Robin DiAngelo Suggests the Movie Frozen Is Promoting Racism to Kids
‘You can’t watch that movie and not know the ideal is White’
DIANGELO: “Let me give you an example of 'Frozen' -- the movie 'Frozen.'”
DIANGELO: "It is huge, this movie, right? I've seen little girls all over the world with the backpacks. I mean, you can't watch that movie and not know that the ideal is white, blue eyes, blonde hair, red hair, that's just one example. And you can have maybe a frog that turns into a princess for a minute and goes back to a frog and she's a brown girl. But that doesn't -- oh, that's the exception, not the rule. So don't be naive about what they're -- what they're internalizing and how early. And also don't -- don't be naive that you can just lecture them. And you know -- you know you shouldn't and then that's fine.”
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