Cotton on Trump Praising Hezbollah: ‘It Wasn’t on President Trump’s Watch that Iran Unleashed its Proxy Hamas to Slaughter Jews’

‘President Biden has been tempting America’s enemies with his weakness’


COTTON: "Well, he since said that he stands firmly with Israel and with the prime minister. I understand they’ve had some personal disagreements, but when you are in the middle of a war, obviously, personal disagreements between heads of states pale in comparison to the national interest. I know that President Biden and Prime Minister Netanyahu have had their differences as well, but he has said he’s going to give unwavering rock-solid support to the prime minister. What concerns me even more is this administration’s actions. As I’ve said, they’ve been they've been soft on Iran, versus President Trump, who was very, very tough on Iran and stood squarely with Israel. And just look more broadly. It wasn't on President Trump’s watch that Kabul collapsed in '21. It wasn't on President Trump’s watch that Russia invaded Ukraine. It wasn't on President Trump’s watch that Iran unleashed its proxy, Hamas, to slaughter Jews in Israel. All of these happened under President Biden because President Biden has been tempting America’s enemies with his weakness and his concessions."

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