Supercut: Kamala Harris Has One Line

‘What can be, unburdened by what has been’

This story is cross-posted at our consumer site, Grabien News. Watch it there – without audiomarks.

(Via RNC Research)


HARRIS: "I can imagine what can be and be unburdened by what has been, you know. (...) What can be unburdened by what has been. (...) What can be unburdened by what has been. (...) What can be unburdened by what has been. (...) What can be unburdened by what has been. (...) What we can see, what we believe can be unburdened by what has been. (...) What can be unburdened by what has been. (...) What can be unburdened by what has been. (...) What can be unburdened by what has been.”


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