Lauer Defends Hillary on Her Claim Trump Is Featured in ISIS Recruiting Videos

Lauer: ‘But Don’t you open yourself up to the very same criticism when it comes to your claims that thousands of Muslims celebrated on 9/11 ... there is no tape, there is no proof’

LAUER: “Donald Trump joins us by phone now. Mr. Trump, good morning. Good talking to you.”
TRUMP: “Good morning.”
LAUER: “Let’s talk about this criticism. You fired right back at Hillary Clinton after the debate on Saturday night. She said that your words on this ban of Muslims entering the country have become ISIS’ best recruiting tool, that they are actually showing people videos of your comment. She said there’s no proof, there’s no tape, thus she is a liar and lies a lot. But, don’t you open yourself up to the very same criticism when it comes to your claims that thousands of Muslims celebrate on 9/11. There is no tape. There is no proof, so are you guilty by your same standard?”
TRUMP: “Well, first of all, there is proof because many people saw that happen, Matt, as you know. It was written about in ‘The Washington Post’ and numerous other places. I’ve been totally exonerated from that. I’ve had headlines exonerating me and saying Trump was right. I can send you a ‘Breitbart’ story. I can send you other stories. But as far as Hillary is concerned, she’s always been — whether it’s Whitewater or the e-mail scandal, she always lies. And now to be saying that we’re just right in the perfect spot with respect to ISIS, I don’t think that’s a lie. I really don’t think she knows what she’s doing.”
LAUER: “Well, you —“
TRUMP: “She’s been a mess no matter where she’s been. She’s created a mess. You look at her record as secretary of state.” [crosstalk]
LAUER: “We can go back and forth on the —“
TRUMP: “Excuse me, Matt.”
LAUER: “No, I’m saying we can go back and forth on whether there is video to prove that Muslims celebrate on 9/11. But let me ask you this —“
TRUMP: “Well, you should go back and forth. There’s many, many, many witnesses. There have been many stories that have come out, that they celebrated, and by the way, Matt —“ [crosstalk]
LAUER: “Around the world there were comments of —“
TRUMP: “ — just to put it another way, they celebrated all over the world when the World Trade Center was falling down, which is disgusting.”  
LAUER: “The question is —“
TRUMP: “But they also happened to celebrate in parts of New York and certainly in parts of New Jersey.”
LAUER: “Let me move on. When you and I were at that town hall —“
TRUMP: “We have plenty of information on that Matt.”

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