Kayleigh McEnany: Biden Tries to ‘Insert Himself into Everyone’s Story’

‘You would think after decades he would get the hint; your staff has told you cut it out, this is just deception’


MCENANY: “President Biden tries to be all things to all people and insert himself into everyone’s story, much to his own peril. I mean, the Puerto Rican community, I believe there were about 2,200 Puerto Ricans in Delaware at the time, so that’s just false. He said he might as well add ‘-ski’ to his last name, he wants to be Bidenski, because he said he was raised among the Polish community. It gets worse. He took on the gang leader Corn Pop, the list goes on. And then the bizarre claim of being arrested and then marching in the civil rights movement. But what is interesting to me, we often think and attribute this to Biden’s age, he’s been doing this for a long time.”

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