Weingarten on UAW Strike: Manufacturing Is Coming Back to America, Made in America Is Now a Thing So Let’s Invest in Workers

‘Made in America is now a thing so let’s actually invest in the workers who have actually made these companies more profitable’


WEINGARTEN: "So let me just say it this way. Look at what’s happening in both the entertainment industry and look what's happening in the auto industry. Look at what’s happening in terms of AI. Every industrial revolution — sorry, I’m a social studies teacher — every industrial revolution that has happened, not only in the country but the world, there are winners and there are losers, and the workers always seem to be the losers in every one of these transitions. And what President Biden has done in terms of giving the auto industry the kind of tax credits and other credits through the Inflation Reduction Act and other things to do that just transition, the workers have to be part of that. They can’t be the ones that lose out when, frankly, the auto manufacturer CEOs are doing very, very well. So at every inflection point, if we don’t actually change this calculus to make sure that workers in America, people in America who are the rank-and-file folks all across America, they want a better life, so I would ask, root for the people in America to have a better life, to have this new industrial policy. Look at what is happening. Manufacturing is coming back to America. Made in America is now a thing. So let’s actually invest in the workers who have actually made these companies more profitable."

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