Shapiro: Trump Attacking Hearbeat Laws Is ‘Egregious’

‘In the state, he’s not even talking federally’


SHAPIRO: "Donald Trump did a mainstream media interview over the weekend. It didn’t go amazing for him. His recent interviews have not been going particularly well. This one was with Kristen Welker. The most newsworthy thing that he said in this interview was he made a comment suggesting that heartbeat bills, like to protect the lives of the unborn in states, are terrible, which is not only not pro-life, it’s an awful thing to say. It’s one thing to say that, 'Tactically speaking, as president of the United States, I’m going to try to reach as much consensus as possible and gradually move the line back on abortion to accustom the American people to protecting life, because if we move too far too fast, then the snap-back is going to be dramatic, as we saw in Kansas.' That’s a pragmatic question and it’s a case you can make. That’s not what Trump says. What Trump actually says about abortion on this interview is morally egregious. He says that heartbeat bills to, you know, protect babies in the womb past week 5, week 6, those are terrible. That’s the thing he says."

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