Peter Hotez: Scientists Are Now Being Portrayed as ‘Enemy of the State’

‘The last point it’s not only targeting the science, it’s targeting the scientists’


HOTEZ: “And, more than 90% protective against severe illness and death. An incredible safety profile. These 200,000 were victims. They were victims of this predatory movement. That is why we need to talk about it, because it’s too often pitch does another box to check and some kind of culture war. This is different. It’s not that we care about, at least I do not care about, whatever you want to call conservative, although it’s not very conservative, or far right views, even extremist views. But, somehow we have to find a way to uncouple the anti-science, anti-vaccine from the rest of it. This stuff is killing too many people. Now, it’s being exported into Canada, through the convoy movements, and that is also being egged on by the same cast of characters. It’s in central Europe, and now affecting low income countries. The last point it’s not only targeting the science, it’s targeting the scientists. Just like in that.”

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