Frank Figliuzzi Says Trump ‘Cult’ Makes It Very Difficult to Flip Witnesses Like Mark Meadows

‘Yes, we can absolutely compare this to both an organized crime group and a cult’


FIGLIUZZI: “Yes, we can absolutely compare this to both an organized crime group and a cult. That is, both are incredibly hard to get out, it tears people up as they try to determine their own fate and realize they have to choose between loyalty based on fear — fear of retribution, fear of physical harm, fear of being ostracized from the group. Or some positive motivation, a carrot, that says, maybe if I hang in with this guy, I’m going to get some kind of personal benefit. I’ll get a pardon if he wins. I’ll get some kind of role in the next administration if he wins — a big if. And that’s what’s going through Mark Meadows’ head right now.”

(Via Mediaite)


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