Dem Rep. Crow: Prisoner Swap Deal with Iran Actually Created Additional Oversight on $6B, Not Less

‘We were able to negotiate additional restrictions on top of the restrictions already in place for this money through the Treasury Department’


CROW: “We have to correct a misunderstanding here. These funds were not frozen funds. The United States is not making this money available. This money came from a fund that the prior administration, that the Trump administration negotiated with several countries that allowed them to purchase Iranian oil in exchange for medical supplies, and food, and medicine. South Korea in this instance, did that. They purchased some oil, and that money was allocated to food, medicine, and medical supplies. This money could be spent or could be sent to Iran today. The South Koreans could do that. We were able to negotiate additional restrictions on top of the -- the restrictions already in place for this money, additional restrictions and oversight through the Treasury Department to make sure this money is only being spent for those purposes. So, this deal actually created additional oversight on that money, not less.”


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