Gianno Caldwell: Trump Trials Are a Benefit to Joe Biden, Liberal Media

‘This is a full benefit for Joe Biden and the media’


CALDWELL: "I would agree with Donald Trump’s supporters. This is by design. When you look at the numbers, the pure numbers, I think about the segment you ran where you talk about 69% of Americans don’t believe that Joe Biden can go another four years. When you look at another poll, about 68% of Americans are concerned about his mental and physical stamina. I mean, Joe Biden in this set of circumstances can’t really get to a rally or an interview, let alone to be running for president at this particular point. And Donald Trump, as we’ve seen many times in the past, he will have a rally with 20,000, 30,000, 40,000, 50,000 people. He has the stamina, he can fight, but if you're going to wrap him up in court proceedings all day, multiple court proceedings, then you have something for MSNBC and CNN to go wall-to-wall coverage on to say how bad of a guy he is. This is a full-on benefit for Joe Biden, and especially the media, but it's just really tough to see the American political process going this direction, especially for some of the charges that have been mentioned we’ve seen Democrats do. Stacey Abrams believes she is the governor of Georgia right now. You had Hillary Clinton say that Donald Trump is the illegitimate president and many others, but you’ve never seen them prosecuted for this language. So it's a really disturbing turn that I think we're seeing in our country right now, John."

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