Barnicle: Trump Is in Our Minds; It’s a Disease that America Is Carrying - ‘Trumpitis’

‘The cult of Trumpism is verbal’


BARNICLE: "You know, Joe, we here, every day for the past several years, have talked about the damage that Donald Trump has done to our governmental institutions, the damage he’s done to America’s reputation among the NATO countries, the fear he puts into our allies. We talked about that every day for the years. But the damage has extended itself, I believe, I think, into everyday conversations, in that this summer specifically, since all of the indictments started pouring out, you cannot go anywhere, you cannot be eating a meal, you cannot be going to a ball game. You cannot be sitting alone on a park bench reading the paper when someone doesn’t approach you to ask you about Donald J. Trump. I mean, the cult of Trumpism is verbal. It’s passed on to people who ask you the ever-present question, 'How can people vote for this man? Who are these people? And you tell them, 'I'll tell you who they are. They’re your neighbors, they’re people you know. They’re people you see each and every day. That's who they are.' But he's there. He's in our minds, in our bloodstream. It is a sickness. It is a disease that America is carrying, Trumpitis."

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