Chris Christie Calls Georgia Indictment ‘Unnecessary’: Election Interference Has Been Charged by Jack Smith

‘I think that this conflict is essentially covered by the federal indictment’

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CHRISTIE: "I think that this conduct is essentially covered by the federal indictment — not with the level of detail that they cover it in this, but that’s just a stylistic thing. Election interference is election interference, it has been charged by Jack Smith, and most of the time what you would see here would be a state court deferring to a federal prosecution, especially if that federal indictment had already been issued. So, I think this was unnecessary as to Donald Trump. Now, remember, as to the other defendants, Jack Smith chose not to charge them, so I would have less of a problem with this if she decided, 'Okay, I won’t charge Donald Trump here because he has been charged for essentially this conduct by Jack Smith.' But Giuliani and Meadows and others have not been charged at the federal level. That would be a more defensible indictment, I think."
HEMMER: "So let me ask you, so you agree with what Turley just said then. He called it excessive."
CHRISTIE: "Yeah, I think it was unnecessary, yeah."

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