Paula Scanlan Shares a Testimony in Congress About Being a Sexual Assault Survivor and Sharing a Locker Room with Lia Thomas

‘As a sexual assault survivor, many policies pushed today completely ignore my experiences and many women like me’


SCANLAN: "One might ask why do I speak so passionately about issues that seem hypothetical or some may perceive as only impacting a small number of women. This is not hypothetical. This is real. I know women who have lost roster spots and spots on the podium. I know of women with sexual trauma who are adversely impacted by having biological males in their locker room without their consent. I know this because I am one of these women. I was sexually assaulted on June 3rd of 2016. I was only 16 years old. I was able to forgive my attacker, but violence against women still exists. Let us not forget the viral Me Too movement that empowered female victims to speak up and cast a spotlight on the widespread prevalence of sexual assault and abuse, including in scholarly and educational institutions. Individuals on this committee have previously stated violence against women is all too common. I am grateful for those members who brought awareness to the violence against women in the past, but unfortunately there’s still much to be done. As a sexual assault survivor, many policies push today completely ignore my experiences and many women like me. I ask the members of this committee, please consider this issue outside the lens of political affiliations and understand the true impact and ignoring the realities of womanhood. Future generations depend on us. Thank you for the opportunity to speak here today."

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