Turley on the FBI Form Released by Grassley: ‘It Increasingly Seems Like the FBI Is the Place Where Evidence Goes To Die’

‘If it has the name Biden on it, it dies rapid death’


TURLEY: "And Bill Barr said that he sent this issue originally to Pittsburgh, and the U.S. Attorney’s office, rather than the FBI, found additional information that the FBI did not and then they sent it to Delaware. It increasingly seems like the FBI is the place where evidence goes to die. I mean, you send evidence to the FBI, if it has the name Biden on it, it dies a very rapid death. So, we have no idea why this was not shared. The key about that 1023 is that it mirrors perfectly what the House committees have found, it describes how the Bidens prefer to use a labyrinth of accounts and banks to hide payments, that no payments would go to what it refers to as 'the big guy,' a term we’ve seen on the laptop, and that this was all an effort to conceal these transactions. That is exactly what the committees have found in looking at the transactions from these banks. So, there's no reason why this would be withheld, because it confirmed independent information that they had access to."

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