Trump Calls Ron DeSantis ‘Overrated’ and a ‘Son of a Bitch’

‘You saw where he wants to change his name?’

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TRUMP: “Let’s give it a shot, we did, I think two or three rallies, I think three big. big rallies, thousands and thousands and thousands of people and they came out. I said, 'You know, you’re going to win.' And he ended up winning. And then about three years later, they said to him, 'Will you run against the president?' And he said, 'I have no comment on that.' I said, 'He has no comment? That means he’s running.' I said, 'That son of a bitch is running!' I got him elected. So, no, I’m not a big fan of his and he's highly overrated. He's highly overrated. Remember, he’s the one that wanted to cut Social Security. He’s the one that wanted to raise the minimum age, and he voted on this. This isn’t just — and the one thing you have to remember, when a politician comes out with an initial plan and then they go into a corner because they’re getting killed, because he’s getting killed, he’s like — his thing is going shoong — well, he also has no personality. That helps, right? As a politician, you have to have personality. You saw where he wants to change his name? It’s DeSantis, he wants it called DeSantis, but you don’t do it in the middle of a campaign."

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