Jeb: ‘There Are No Radical Buddhists’ Killing People

‘The idea that somehow there are radical elements in every religion is ridiculous’

DOOCY: “You mentioned Hillary Clinton a moment ago. One of the things she said yesterday where she said we’re not winning the ISIS fight. I think we can all agree on that. But she also still refuses to say we’re at war with radical Islam. she was pressed on it from her husband’s former employee, George Stephanopoulos, and this is what she had to say.”
[clip starts]
CLINTON: “There are radicals, people who believe all kinds of things in every religion in the world. I don’t want to do that because number one, it doesn’t do justice to the vast numbers of Muslims in our own country and around the world who are peaceful people. Number two, it helps to create this clash of civilizations that is actually a recruiting tool for ISIS and other radical jihadists who use this as a way of saying we’re in a war against the West.”
[clip ends]
HASSELBECK: “Why is she wrong?”
DOOCY: “Is that a smart answer?”
BUSH: “Look, we are at war. They’re at war with us, so by definition, we’re at war. And the fact that the caliphate the size of Indiana exists is where they get their energy. Every day that that exists, they can declare victory to recruit people. If we destroyed ISIS in the form of a caliphate, they would be weakened across the world. We would be living in a much safer place. The idea that somehow there are radical elements in every religion is ridiculous. There are no radical Christians that are organizing to destroy western civilization. There are no radical Buddhists that are doing this.”
DOOCY: “Right.”
BUSH: “This is radical Islamic terrorism. It is not showing disrespect to the religion of Islam to be clear about this. The simple fact is by not recognizing it, you end up creating strategies that are tepid and weak.”

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