Brigitte Gabriel: Under Obama, New FBI Agents Are Taught ‘Jihad Is Yoga’

‘All these new agents need to know exactly what we are dealing with’


HANNITY: “Welcome back to ‘Hannity.’ During a recent interview, the head of Islamic relations made outrageous remarks blaming Americans. Watch this.”
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AYLOUSH: “Don't forget as we speak today, ISIS has killed 95% are Muslims themselves. At the forefront of fighting ISIS are brave Syrian people fighting on both fronts. So we should give credit when credit is due. We actually have left the Syrian people and fight and battle with ISIS and we complain and say what are the Muslim people doing to root out terrorism and extremism. 'snot forget some of our own foreign policy of the Americans and west fueled that extremism when we support coup leaders in Egypt and things that push people over to the edge they become extremisms and terrorist terrorists, we are partly responsible. Terrorism is a global problem not a Muslim problem and everybody has a role in the solution”
HANNITY: “No, America does not have a role in terrorist attacks. In 1997, CAIR was des night by the FBI as unindicted co-conspirator for supporting the mosque for the holy land foundation. Here with reaction author of Infidel's guide to ISIS Robert Spencer, Brigitte Gabriel and Indianapolis imam Mohammed Sadiq is with us. Here we have it again. Islamic terror, Muslim terrorism. Why does this keep happening?”
SADIQ: “First of all, I wouldn't put it in those terms, Sean. But say with god the most merciful we offer our condolences.”
HANNITY: “She pledged her allegiance to the Islamic State.”
SADIQ: “Has the not the report I heard.”
HANNITY: “Did you hear what I heard, Gabriele?”
SADIQ: “I did not hear that report like that.”
GABRIEL: “That's exactly what iIheard. This is Islamic terrorism rising all over the world. We in America have avoided talking about Islamic terrorism because we do not want to offend anybody or hurt anybody. It’s time to throw political correctness in the garbage. Right now, those afraid to report suspicious activities almost have blood on their hands because the fear crippled them from speaking the truth and about time to speak the truth.
HANNITY: “Hold on. We have other people on the show. Robert Spencer, you have studied ISIS. This is part of their, they want to radicalize and use the internet. It’s believed they use the blueprint from al Qaeda, their online magazine to build the pipe bombs and they were going after. What does this mean?”
SPENCER: “What they have is a comprehensive plan to sew blood and mayhem in the streets of the United States. they have a very detailed guidebook for Muslims in the united states how to mount terror attacks exactly like we saw in San Bernardino and to blend in before they mount the attack with the larger population and instruct them don't carry around the car ran and don't go to mosque or appear to be an observant Muslim and we will call you when it's time to strike. They hope to overwhelm the American law enforcement and intelligence with so many plots the system will collapse and they will take full advantage of that.”
HANNITY: “We need to re-evaluate, Robert, in this society, the cultural clash, whether or not our immigration problem, our immigration laws, our visa laws. Do we need to go back and re-evaluate evaluate?”
SPENCER: “Absolutely. There needs to be a drastic overhaul. Many jihad terrorists have gotten through the visa program as well as the refugee settlement and asylum programs, these have been taken advantage by terrorists since the 1993 world bombing.”
HANNITY: “Are we going to let refugees in when some of our officials say some may be radicalized?
GABRIEL: “No, we shouldn't. Obviously, there's no system good enough to let these refugee refugees in. We have to protect ourselves. We cannot let these refugees in. We don't know their background and no database to compare. Knowing ISIS want to come to the country no way to let them in. also, Sean, we need to do retraining of our first respond responders and FBI agents, those trained jihad basically is yoga. Remember, Obama purged all our contra terrorism training manuals from jihad. All these new agents need to know exactly what we are dealing with."

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