The Chris Salcedo Show Preamble: I Am the Balance

‘New details emerge from the IRS whistleblowers’


SALCEDO: “Today, 'The Chris Salcedo Show' reminds you that the product being put out by the likes of CNN and ABC is biased, left-wing and unfair. I am the balance. The Chris Salcedo Show' keeps the facts that are being emitted by the mainstream press in full view of the American people in today’s preamble. CNN and the Democrat press are focused on tapes allegedly recorded in July of 2021 at President Trump’s Bedminster resort. They were allegedly recorded during interviews for people working on the memoir of Mark Meadows, Trump’s former chief of staff. President Trump, one of the few presidents not to get us into a war, was reportedly talking about war plans against the number one state sponsor of terror, Iran. Questions arise over this leak. Chief among them, who leaked it? Was it the devious Special Counsel Jack Smith? Was it one of the Trump staffers who leaked this recording. As President Trump surges in the polls, does anybody out there think the leak of this tape is coincidental? I took some calls on 'The Chris Salcedo Radio Show' today. One person suggested he was tired of defending President Trump, but the lion’s share of other callers said, with every leak, with every attack and cheap shot taken by Democrats, the Mitch McConnell surrender caucus and the press, the people's loyalty to President Trump increases, the polls show that. But like the 'Access Hollywood' tapes, leftists and the Democrat and Republican Party are claiming this is the end of Trump. And as was the case with the 'Access Hollywood' tapes, they would be wrong because with every leak, every attack, every distraction, the American people are starting to wonder why those who were doing such great harm with open borders, promotion of crime, cultural decay and profligate an irresponsible spending, why are those people so afraid of President Trump? And if those people who have declared war on Western civilization and the American people fear Trump, then that makes Trump an ally in the minds of 75 million Americans, probably more.”

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