Turner: Prigozhin Taking Down Premise of Ukraine War Makes it Much More Difficult for Putin to Deploy More Troops

‘This really does hurt Putin’


TURNER: "So, this really does hurt — hurt Putin, and not only just politically and in his leadership in Russia and his presidency, but in his efforts to continue the war in Ukraine. You know, I think, obviously, in the beginning, there's going to be an initial increase of activity from Russia against Ukraine, but because he went — Putin himself went on national TV to respond to Prigozhin, and Prigozhin said that, 'Your government has lied to you, this is not a war that NATO started, there are no Nazis in Ukraine.' Taking down the very premise makes it much more difficult for Putin to continue to turn to the Russian people and say, we should continue to send people to die in this war that — for which Prigozhin himself has said to the Russian people that the premise is a lie."

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