Chris Christie Says Trump Is Either ‘a Liar or an Idiot’

‘This is a guy who paid off a porn star’


CHRISTIE: “And look, guys, we can’t pretend that Donald Trump is a man of character. This is a guy who paid off a porn star. This is a guy who has regularly lied. This is a guy who has abused people who have worked for him. I mean I, consider myself now that he’s taken off on me, I’m happy to be with Rex Tillerson and with Jim Mattis and with John Kelly and with Mark Esper and with Bill Barr, who he called a gutless pig. I mean, these — this is not character. And what I was trying to make sure I emphasized to those folks in there is, if we are people of faith, the absolute, one of the cornerstones to faith is character. And it is — it is an absolute lack of character. This guy offered me White House chief of staff and then on a podcast yesterday says he never trusted me. Well, what does that make him, a liar or an idiot? It’s one or the other. Because if you offer me chief of staff and you never trusted me, then you’re an idiot. And if you did trust me enough to offer me chief of staff, then you’re a liar.”

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