Chris Christie to Audience Booing Him for Criticizing Trump: ‘You Can Boo All You Want’

‘I’m running because he’s let us down’


CHRISTIE: "Beware everybody of a leader who never makes mistakes. Beware of a leader who has no faults. Beware of a leader who says that when something goes wrong, it's everybody else's fault. And he goes, and he blames those people, for anything that goes wrong, but when things go right, everything is to his credit. Now, there are -- there are a lot of people, a lot of people who wonder, after I was the first candidate to endorse Donald Trump in 2016, the very first -- (Cheering and Applause) -- after -- after he made me chairman of his transition, after he may be chairman of his opioid and drug abuse commission, after -- and this one will keep you up at night everybody -- after I played Hillary Clinton in debate prep, you won't be able to sleep thinking about that one tonight. And after I played Joe Biden, in debate prep in 2020, why am I running for president of the United States? I'm running because he's let us down. He has let us down because he's unwilling, he's unwilling to take responsibility for any of the mistakes that were made. And -- any of the faults that he has, and any of the things that he's done. And that is not leadership everybody. That is a failure of leadership. And I -- (Booing) -- you can boo all you want, but here's the thing. Our faith teaches us that people have to take responsibility for what they do. People have to stand up and take accountability for what they do.”


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