Fiorina: I’m Being Attacked Because I Am Hillary Clinton’s Worst Nightmare

‘—because I am a conservative woman who stands up for life’

KELLY: “The question is, they seem to be focused on you in particular because of the claim you made at the CNN debate about what you said you had seen on these undercover Planned Parenthood videos. You claimed you had seen a baby being harvested -- a live baby having its organs harvested, being kept alive so its organs can be harvested. It wasn't established that is something Planned Parenthood had done. It wasn't clear what happened with the baby being shown in that video. In other words, there was no proof that Planned Parenthood did what you said. That’s why they are where they are with you.”
FIORINA: “No, the reason where they are with me is because I’m Hillary Clinton’s worst nightmare. I am a conservative woman who stands up for life. Because I am a conservative woman who can effectively combat the line from the left about the war on women. Of course, we also know that Planned Parenthood has now admitted they have said, we're not going to take compensation anymore for fetal tissue as they call it. Most common sense people would call it body parts. we won't tell compensation anymore for this. Obviously, they have been doing it. As I remind –
KELLY: “There's a difference -- I get this. I made this point yesterday –“
FIORINA: “Why is it that a taxpayer is funding an organization –“
KELLY: “I get that. That’s something the country has been debating for a long time. The question –“
FIORINA: “We haven't been debating it.”
KELLY: “I 'm trying to get an answer to my question. The reason they're taking issue with you -- Donald Trump is getting -- gets in a lot of trouble for not walking back things that are not true or to be charitable to him, a mistake. The thing they are going after with you is the suggestion that Planned Parenthood harvested organs from live babies.
FIORINA: “What I said -- what i said was that there were videotapes where Planned Parenthood individuals, employees are talking harvesting baby parties. What I also said is that there are images of fetuses that are born alive. Both of those things are demon true. They are not taking issue with me because i made false statements. They are not taking issue with me because of the videos. In fact, most of the liberal critics of me and other pro-life advocates have never watched the videos. They are taking issue because they do not like the message. This messenger will not be silenced.”

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