Rep. Boebert on Debt Deal: ‘As Presented Today, I Am Voting “No”‘

‘Now the House has more work to do’


BOEBERT: “The Limit, Save, Grow Act the House recently passed wasn’t exactly perfect, but I voted in favor of it because it was our responsibility to get a fiscally responsible piece of legislation passed. We introduced the bill, debated it, amended it, and passed it following the rules we worked so hard for in January. The Senate should have taken that bill up. They should have amended it if they needed to and sent it back to the House for final passage. Instead, the Democrat-controlled Senate and Biden sat on the sidelines, so Speaker McCarthy did his part to try to do their jobs for them. But now the House has even more work to do because, let’s face it, the deal ain’t so great. And here’s the problem with it. The bill Biden negotiated fuels inflation, adds trillions to our debt, and leaves a blank check for more of the same nonsense I came here to stop. I am not for an unlimited debt ceiling increase. As presented today, I’m voting ‘no.’ That’s why I’m pushing right now to make sure this new bill is allowed to be debated and amended, if not killed entirely.”

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