McCarthy: The American Public Wants to See Us Curb Our Spending Addiction

‘They are out of step with American public and their own party’


McCARTHY: "Look, all — as I said before, we want to unshackle. There's so much money sitting on the sidelines. We just saw a Supreme Court decision yesterday, 9-0. Think of this, a 9-0 decision, but we have watched this new administration oversteps its bounds that would harm farmers. But a 9-0 decision, what did Leader Schumer say about it? He said it was MAGA extreme. A 9-0 decision in the Supreme Court is now MAGA extreme to the Democrats here today. They are out of step with the American public, they're out of step with their own party. And this is the difference. The American public wants to see us curve our spending addiction here, where the Democrats have put us in, put us on a trajectory where we're less dependent with China, curb inflation that they created by adding  $6 trillion. And they want to see us cut the red tape that Americans can build things again. That is exactly what we are looking to do."

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