DeSantis Hits the Legacy Media for Creating a ‘Poem Hoax’

‘Moving it from one part of the go to the next, is now consider a book ban’


DeSANTIS: "And the latest they're trying to do is down in Miami-Dade. You have legacy media outlets creating this poem hoax. And so what this is, this is some book of poems, I never heard of it, I had nothing to do it any of this, but it was a book of poems that was in an elementary school library and the school or the school district determined that was more appropriate to be in the middle school library, so they moved it from the elementary school library to the middle school library. Legacy media outlets are saying that Miami-Dade is banning books. Literally, just moving it from one part of the school to the next is now considered a book ban. So you know when they’re doing that — and even that school district had to come out and say, 'That’s ridiculous. We made the decision, we think it’s better to be a middle school,' but when they’re doing that, you know these legacy media outlets are lying to you. They are trying to create a political narrative that is totally divorced from the facts. And if they’re going to do something like this ridiculous poem hoax and actually put that out there and think that you’re going to believe it, honestly, that just shows you they're insulting your intelligence.“

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