Economics Prof.: Target Are Either ‘Cowards’ or the Victims of ‘Economic Terrorism, Literally Terrorism’

‘I think it is very worrying’

This story is cross-posted at our consumer site, Grabien News. Watch it there – without audiomarks.


WOLFERS: "You know, I think there is something really quite scary here. It comes from the Target CEO saying the reason they were backing off is they were worried about the safety of their employees. So, look, one of two things are true. It could be they are cowards and they use that as protection and a smokescreen so they could make a cowardly decision, or it could be that they are actually genuinely concerned about the well-being of their employees and they have had credible threats. If that is the case, when Target caves into this, then it says that the moment you threatened the employees of even a very large corporation, you get to control its policies. This is economic terrorism, literally terrorism, creating fear among the workers and forcing the corporations to sell the things you want, not sell the things you don’t. So, I think it is very worrying. I do wonder that if Target has a corporate social responsibility, and here I mean beyond its commitments to diversity. I also mean to the broader business community, if it gives in here everyone and everyone else’s employees have to look out that they will be looked at next."

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