Fmr. Rep. Max Rose on Debt Ceiling: Republicans Are ‘Terrorists ... Taking the American People Hostage’

‘We don’t negotiate with terrorists abroad, and we shouldn’t negotiate with them here at home’


ROSE: "We’re not going to default. And we don’t negotiate with terrorists abroad, and we shouldn’t negotiate with them here at home. Okay? They admitted to taking the party hostage, they’re taking the American people hostage. And we should not, under any circumstances, appease that type of behavior. If this is a negotiation, they want to call this a negotiation, fine. You tell us what you want, we’ll tell you what we want. And then in the end, when both sides get something, you can raise the debt ceiling. That is not what this is. This is a series of ransom notes, and I think it’s about time that we stood up to it."

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