CNN: Trump Staff Moves Boxes of Classified Documents the Day Before Raid

‘Sources also revealing to The Post that Trump and aides allegedly carried out a ‘dress rehearsal’ for moving sensitive papers’


BURNETT: “The Washington Post” with significant new reporting this hour. Two of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago employees moved boxes of documents at the residence, Trump’s residence, just one day, one day before the FBI and a prosecutor visited his home to retrieve classified documents. So just let me give you a sense of the time line. This is in June of 2022. It was after a subpoena had been issued. It was the day before the FBI was scheduled to come get documents. Sources familiar with the matter telling “the Washington Post” that investigators believe that timing is suspicious and a sign of possible obstruction. Sources also revealing to the post that Trump and aides allegedly carried out a dress rehearsal for moving sensitive papers he didn’t want to turn over to the feds. There is also evidence from the post indicating that trum health care plan classified documents in his office that were both visible and at times shown off to others.”

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