Prof: Regardless of Motive, Planned Parenthood an Act of ‘White Terrorism’

‘Even though I know there are many complicated issues with this person that are important to find out, that we really do need to see this as a bigger contextual problem that is an issue of women’s rights’


JONATHAN METZL: "Again, a terrible tragedy happened yesterday. People were trying to relax. To enjoy their holiday. Police were just trying to usher people to safety. People were bringing their mothers, their sisters, their wives, there, you know, relatives to planned .hood for well women exams or breast cancer screenings or reproductive issues. It was a Normal day. Where people should be able to relax. Instead, the news got dominated by an increasing form of white terrorism. In which people are literally terrorized beyond the realm of this. I know what's going to happen now, which is we're going to have a story about the mental health of the person. It's going to locate it on a particular issue. I have to say, even though I know there are many complicated issues with this person that are important to find out, that we really do need to see this as a bigger contextual problem that is an issue of women's rights. The issue of guns, as president mentioned, which is particularly assailant in Colorado, a complicated gun story, and I think a political climate that urges people to take issues into their own hands."

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