Comer: The Way the Biden Shell Companies Were Created, They Fit the Definition of Racketeering

‘When Joe Biden talks about tax sheets he doesn’t need to look further than his Christmas photo’


COMER: "Well, the purpose is to disguise who the sender is and to deceive the IRS so you don't have to pay taxes on it. So when Joe Biden talks about tax cheats, he doesn’t need to look any further than his Christmas photo. I mean, the way that these shell companies were created, they fit the definition of racketeering. You have shell companies that were created for the sole purpose to funneling money to the Biden family. If the President’s son was providing a service to Romania or to China or to any of these other countries that we're going to disclose at a later time, well, why didn’t the country just send the payment directly to Hunter Biden? Why did they have to funnel it through an associate's LLC and then two or three Biden LLCs, and then send the payments sporadically down to Biden family members? Like, you mentioned the grandchildren. I hated to bring up the fact that three grandchildren received wires because I don’t believe those grandchildren did anything wrong. They just had the misfortune of having family members who were using them in their scheme to launder money to try to deceive the IRS in order not to pay taxes and to disguise who the sender was to avoid getting in trouble for dealing with foreign nationals. So, it's really bad."

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