RFK Jr.: There Aren’t as Many Mass Shootings in Other Countries Because They’re Not All on SSRIs

‘This is only happening in America’


KENNEDY JR.: “The same is true, Mark, with all these shootings. Nobody is looking at the pharmaceutical contribution to that. Anecdotally, it appears that almost every one of these shooters were on SSRIs or some other psychiatric drug, and this is only happening in America, where all these people are taking these psychiatric drugs. We take four times as many as any other country in the west, average European country. And there’s no time in history — I mean, we’ve always had guns in this country. Switzerland has more guns per capita than we do, and you don’t see that happening there. And I’m not defending all the guns everywhere, but I’m just saying, something happened. Prior to the introduction of Prozac, these kind of — those shootings just were almost unknown. And now they’re, you know, they’re an everyday affair. But NIH will not study that because it will offend the pharmaceutical industry, and it’s something that we ought to be studying.”

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