Dana Loesch Calls the Biden Family ‘White Trash:’ ‘They Don’t Take Care of Kids They Give Birth To’

‘Where’s the accountability for the head of the party cruelly treating this little girl?’

This story is cross-posted at our consumer site, Grabien News. Watch it there – without audiomarks.


LOESCH: “Good to see you. Love the pictures. But I love the way that you put it because this toddler is going to actually be the one to like crack Hunter Biden. He is like mid 50’s. Is he like a mid 50-year-old dude the way media talks about Hunter Biden grown child baby. Grown man with grown kids who is white trash, let be honest. This family acts like white trash. They don’t take care of the kids they give birth. To say I don’t know how many baby mommas this guy has and it’s ridiculous. He gloms ton his dad and market researches outmarketmerchesout t money on the back of taxpayers. Go down to Arkansas under being contempt of court so he can finally pay up for the life that he helped to create this after, as you explained he tried to even deny that this child was his to begin with. For the party, jesse, that sits here and acts like they are the champions of single moms. For a party acts like champion women and children, where’s the accountability for the head of the party cruelly treating this little girl the way that they are simply because it somehow compromises Hunter Biden? So, yeah, I hope and kudos for willlunden roberts to refusing t back down in the face of a media who only references her as a stripper in the face of the media that always tries to in a horrible way talk about her and her child. She is not backing down with this because she going to make sure her daughter is paid for and this man steps up. These two women doing more than the FBI and DoJ and everyone else to hold this man and family accountable.”

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