Christie: N.H. Voters Are ‘Totally Focused’ on National Security and Homeland Protection

‘People are going to want to see someone who has got experience and knows how to do this in charge of our party and in charge of this country’

TAPPER: “Governor Christie, you said yesterday in New Hampshire that this campaign changed eight days ago, but Donald Trump, Ben Carson still in the lead in national polls. Take a look at this new poll, Donald Trump — from ABC News/”Washington Post,” Donald Trump way out in front, 32 percent, Ben Carson 22 percent. How has this campaign changed? Why do you think this is your time, as opposed to the front-runner, Donald Trump?” 
CHRISTIE: “Well, listen, what I’m saying to you, Jake, is that I can feel it on the ground here in New Hampshire. The questions in town hall meetings — and I did two of them yesterday — are much different. They’re totally focused now on national security and how we’re going to protect our homeland. And I think you’re going to see that ultimately reflected in the polls, that people are going to want to see someone who has got experience and knows how to do this in charge of our party and in charge of this country.”

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