Elon Musk on Gov’t Reading Twitter DMs: ‘Yes’
‘We’re moving to have the dm’s be optionally encrypted’
CARLSON: “But when you got there, and all of a sudden you own it, and all the data on the servers belongs to you, and --“
MUSK: “It belongs to the people in my view, but yeah.”
CARLSON: "But -- but you can see what it is. And you can see --“
MUSK: “Yes.”
CARLSON: “-- what they've been doing and you can see it has been working there. You were shocked to find out that various intel agencies were affecting its operations.”
MUSK: “The degree to which various government agencies had -- effectively had full access to everything that was going on on Twitter blew my mind. I was not aware of that.”
CARLSON: “Would that include people's DMs?”
MUSK: “Yes. Yes, because the DMs are not encrypted.”
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