Jon Stewart to Biden’s Deputy Defense Sec.: ‘I Give You a Billion Dollars ... You Can’t Tell Me What Happened to It ...?! To Me, That’s F**king Corruption!’
STEWART: "When I see a State Department get a certain amount of money and a military budget be ten times that, and I see a struggle within government to get people like more basic services, and then that department that got that -- I mean, we got out of 20 years of war and the Pentagon got a $50 billion raise. Like, that’s shocking to me. Now, I may not understand exactly the ins and outs and the incredible magic of an audit, but I’m a human being who lives on the Earth and can’t figure out how $850 billion to a department means that the rank and file still have to be on food stamps. Like, to me, that’s f**king corruption. I’m sorry. And if like -- if that blows your mind and if you think like that’s like a crazy agenda for me to have, I really think that that’s institutional thinking and that it’s not looking at the day-to-day reality of the people that you call the greatest fighting force in the world. So I just -- again, I get back to this idea of, like, I’m not looking to pick a fight with you, but I am surprised at that -- the reaction to these questions are, 'You don’t know what an audit is, bucko!' Like, that’s just weird to me."