Fauci Says We’re Not Going to Eradicate Covid: ‘Sorry, No!’ But You Can Get Vaccinated

‘There are number of reasons, first of all we have only eradicated one virus in the history of human health’


FAUCI: “Are we going to eliminate SARS-CoV-2? Sorry. No. Why? Again, we've eliminated things like polio and measles from the United States, even though as we know, there's measles and polio in other regions of the world. But why were we able to eliminate it in the United States? Number one, measles is a stable virus. I'm old enough that I got infected with measles when I was a kid. That Measles is the same measles that's infecting people in Pakistan and Afghanistan right now. It hasn't changed. Number two, the protection from infection, or vaccination, lasts decades, if not a lifetime. Now, let's take a look at SARS-CoV-2. Unfortunately, as I mentioned on a previous slide, the evolution of genotypically and phenotypically diverse variants, it just keeps changing, so that you don't have a stable virus. Importantly, something we all know that the vaccine induced, and infection induced immunity is measured in months, not in decades, or a lifetime.”


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