Nikki Haley: DeSantis Is ‘Completely Wrong’ in Calling the Russia-Ukraine Conflict a Territorial Dispute

‘De Santis is showing weakness in this way’

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HALEY: "DeSantis is completely wrong on this. This is not the time to get weak in the knees on Russia, which is what he's doing. This is the time to understand that the reason that Russia is trying to get our drones is because we have had weakness. The reason is because they hear this conversation. It's that same mentality that got us into the situation that we are in with China. We need to be forceful. Biden should have already, when that drone went down, Biden should have put two drones up there. We need to get our naval fleet back in the Black Sea. It never should have come out in the first place. And you put up a fighter jet if you have to, you send a message to them that there are consequences to pay and that we are not going to put up with it. The last thing you do is retreat and show them that we are not going to defend freedom. Because if we don’t win this war in Ukraine, Poland and the Baltics are next. Putin has said that and we are trying to prevent a world war. It's hugely important. DeSantis is showing weakness in this way. Trump was wrong in this way. You go and make sure you tell the entire world that when we win in Ukraine, this will send a message to China, to Iran and North Korea. That's how the U.S. leads."

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