Rep. Byron Donalds: Biden Bank Records ‘Just the Tip of the Iceberg’

‘We have more work to do’


DONALDS: “Oh, no, I agree with the chairman on this one. It’s just the tip of the iceberg. We have more work to do. And let me be very clear on this. The White House and the Biden family think we’re just out to get them, not true. This is a major ethical issue with the person who is the leader of our country. If he is setting domestic and international policy, in part being put pressure on or implications put on him because of the dealings of his family and also his dealings through his family over the last 10 years, that’s a major issue for the American people. That type of implied pressure, whether real or perceived, should be known by the American people through disclosure. And I think that’s what the Oversight Committee is doing, we are going to continue to investigate this. This is not gotcha politics.”

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