RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel: Republicans Have a Great Shot to Take Back the White House

‘We have a very unpopular president’


MCDANIEL: “Well, I think it’s March Madness, right? So we’re going to get a whole bunch of polls. This is going to continue throughout the primary season. I think the numbers that I found really interesting from these polls where — were where they matched them with Joe Biden. Joe Biden still isn’t breaking 50 percent. He’s unfavorable is at 54 percent. So we have a very unpopular president, which means whoever our nominee is has a really great chance to take back the White House, especially as we’re seeing banks failing, soaring inflation like you just talked about, kids with massive deficits, an open border, a fentanyl crisis. Republicans have a great shot to take back the White House, win the Senate with the great map, and then keep the House in 2024.”

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